Euro Millions is Becoming The Biggest Lump Sum Lottery In The World

Euro Millions is Becoming The Biggest Lump Sum Lottery In The World

With its first draw having taken place as recently as 13th Feb, 2004, EuroMillions is among the newest to join the ranks of world-class lotteries. It’splayed every Friday and shown on TV channels Sky One in the UK, TF1 in France and TVE in Spain.
And it’s a truly multi-national affair. Because it’s operated jointly by the national lotteries of the UK, France, Spain, Ireland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, Switzerland and Portugal — with the rest of Europe expected to follow.
Jackpots Predicted To Exceed £ 50 Million, EURO 71 Million, US$ 93 Million.
Maximum payout on Friday May 14, 2004 was £ 23703102 or EURO 33816137 or US$ 44082802.
Become a Player Member and we instantly allocate you one of 39-places in a EURO SYNDICATE, emailing you confirmation with a virtual VWD Membership Card. The card bears your 5 lottery numbers, picked from 1 to 50, which we enter automatically in every Friday draw.
After each draw we check your numbers electronically and send your winnings directly to you by cheque or by PayPal.
3,600% Greater Chance Of Scooping A Jackpot…
And 2 Less Numbers To Have To Match!
If you’ve played the EuroMillions game normally on your own or in a conventional syndicate before, you’re probably thinking: “Hold on a minute! You don’t play EuroMillions with just the five numbers from 1 to 50, you play with the five numbers plus two Lucky Star numbers picked from a separate set of 1 to 9, as well”…
And you’d be right.
But that’s the really great thing about the e-Lottery… effectively, you only need to play with just the 5 numbers. All because those numbers — ‘Main’ numbers as we call them — are combined with all permutations of the 9 Lucky Star numbers in a strict mathematical pattern so you know before every draw that you’re going to match both Lucky Star numbers in every draw.
And with two less numbers than normal to have to match, not only will you have a 3,600 per cent greater chance of scooping the jackpot, your chances of winning any prize jump to only 1 in 10…
In fact, you qualify for a prize even when you match just 1 Main number!
How have we arrived at those odds?
Well, we could show you the computations, but for simplicity, best just to say that the figures aren’t ours; we consulted a university Professor of Mathematics to work them out for us when developing the system.
Scoop As Many As 36 ‘MULTI-WIN’ Prizes Every Week
What’s more, for the System to work — to ‘guarantee’ the vital Lucky Star numbers — it needs precisely 36 single line entries in every EuroMillions draw…
Which means you get 36 chances of winning in every draw!
But that’s only part of the prize-winning power in the System. Thirty-six entries means you also harness the capability of the system’s MULT-WIN METHOD .
Incredibly, when you win, you never win just one prize…You win up to 36 prizes!
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