Herbal Diet Pills

Herbal Diet Pills

Wherever you look at, either in the physical world or in the virtual world, herbal diet pills are greatly there. Many people look for such products and so the herbal industry continually formulated some herbal diet pills and weight loss supplements to provide the people with such need.

However, there is a string of recent warnings and recalls regarding herbal diet pills that greatly come from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These warnings and recalls has left researchers, doctors, and several health advocates with the concern that most herbal diet pills consumers are just wasting their time and money and greatly taking unknown health dangers with every herbal diet pill taken.

Perhaps one of the reasons for these warnings is the fact that since the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) was passed in 1994; the FDA does not include any requirement that herbal diet pills manufacturers will prove the safety and effectiveness of their herbal diet pills and weight loss supplements.

Furthermore, most of the herbal diet pills contain ephedra or ma huang, which an herb taken by a great number of Americans annually for the purpose of losing weight and for body building. Numerous studies have shown that this ingredient in herbal diet pills can cause serious health conditions such as high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, seizures and tremors, and even death. In fact, the FDA has reported 100 deaths among the ephedra herbal diet pills users.

Aside from ephedra, herbal diet pills also contain an herb known as aristolochia fangchi, in which many doctors from Belgium and Germany have discovered that this may lead to not only kidney disorder but also urinary tract cancer.

Today there is the so called metabolife 356, which is one of Metabolife’s herbal diet pills known as a best seller for weight loss. However, it does not stand out as popular in many countries since most of the health experts say that it contains major ingredients that closely resemble drugs that may be dangerous.

One also must know that herbal diet pills also contain HCA or hydroxycitric acid that is an herbal extract found in at least 14 prescription weight loss supplements. Although this is proven effective for weight loss that it suppresses the appetite and slows down the transformation of carbohydrates into fat, many studies have reported that it may not have the same effect for people.

Herbal diet pills generally may be thought of as safe and effective due to its being labeled as “natural” or “herbal”, but one should be aware that it is not necessarily true. So perhaps the best advice is therefore to eat right and also to exercise.

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