Our relationship with ourselves is the most important relationship in our lives.
Which doesn’t mean I’m always in the first place. Sometimes yes and sometimes no,
it depends on the situation.
My relationship with myself is the most important because:
– I’m with me all the time and it will be like this for the rest of my life,
– it’s a model for all other relationships: the way I treat myself I will treat others
and allow others to treat me,
– I’m fully responsible for myself: my thoughts and feelings, choices and decisions,
behavior, and actions.
But in order to choose wisely for myself, I need to know myself and I need to trust myself.
That is why we develop our relationship with ourselves throughout our lives.
How to do it? In this video:
1. Why it is so important to develop our relationship with ourselves
2. What disconnects us from ourselves and how to overcome it
3. What is my inner Truth
4. How to distinguish between the voice of my small ego and my Truth
Enjoy watching and please let me know in comments what is one reason that prevents you
from listening to yourself.
Have a nice day,