Quick Facts on Vanguard Mutual Funds

Quick Facts on Vanguard Mutual Funds

Vanguard Mutual Funds is among the world’s leaders in investment management. Their expertise and stability make them one of the most trusted mutual funds companies with individual investors, financial professional, and institutions.

Founded in May 1, 1975 in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania they now have several branches for which the clients may visit when considering of investing on mutual funds. Their present offices are located at Scottsdale (Arizona), Charlotte (North Carolina), Melbourne (Australia), Brussels (Belgium), Singapore, and Tokyo (Japan).

As of the end of last year, their total assets accumulated in U.S. mutual funds are approximately 0 billion. They have 30 domestic funds, which include variable annuity portfolios and around 40 international mutual funds. The total number of investors they have since the last count is 21.5 million individual and institutional shareholder accounts.

Since the founding of the Vanguards Mutual Funds, they have assured their investors of excellent services that are bounded by several principles that bind all their workings. And until now, they continue to uphold with these principles.

Vanguard Mutual Funds has developed their own system, which sets them apart from other funds companies. Most of the mutual funds firms are either privately owned or publicly traded. Vanguard Mutual Funds is different as they are client-owned. Their clients, betterly known as crew members, are driven to work with much dedication since they are the investors themselves. And so the truth behind the principle- the interests of the investors are the interests they serve.

The company assures of success. They assert that their mutual funds are especially designed to provide long-term successes. They help their investors make objective decisions that normally lead to the success that everyone desires. They have consistently provided their investors more productive programs compared with those offered by their rivaling mutual funds companies.

Vanguard Mutual Funds is known for their high standard of services that are reflected in their performance and investments services that are notably working well. Investors can be assured that the company is working sound in favor of their investor’s interests.

Vanguard claims that they own three distinct features: unmatchable value, investor advocacy and plain talk.

Unmatchable value: the company is dedicated to perform at their optimum, keeping only the interests and the progress of their clients in mind.

Investor advocacy: they maintain loyalty, respect and integrity towards their dealing with their investors.

Plain talk: they don’t only provide programs for investments, they also assure that their clients are thoroughly informed of the consequences and potential results of their actions.

Up to date, Vanguard Mutual Fund remains to be one of the most trusted institution in the money market industry.

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